Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I write - XIII

I look up
The moon is shining bright
But wait - what's this?
Why are the stars shining so bright?
Why are they blurring away?
Why are they twinkling again?
There's a cool breeze blowing,
Yet what's this warmth that I feel on my cheeks?
It's not raining, yet why does my face feel wet?

A line was crossed
A wall breached
I kept quiet then
Did not vent
Waited to alight
And shut the door
Absolutely tight...

There's so much more
That I need to let out
The only way I can
Is either through unseen tears
Or through my words

My tears, too precious
To be wasted on one
So insecure, a bully,
With his actions
Has me stunned

So, cry, I won't.

What I will do is



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