Random Things That I Notice
Life is beautiful.
A sikh taxi driver who wouldn’t drive fast because he constantly kept fixing his moustaches into place.
Aah! Vanity, thy name is not only woman.
A man suddenly breaking into a sprint because he wanted to catch a bus that had already started moving away
Oh! The speed of life blurring by.
A pretty girl with a frown on her face – obviously late
Hmmm…the pressures of a day, a life begun.
A smooth, traffic free road at a normally busy junction
:) - Pays to leave a little late than usual.
Honking motorists at a normally not-busy junction
Grrr - The light won’t change with your honks, buster!
Hunched people frowning away in their cars
Smile – it’s a beautiful day.
A sleek black car
ENVY – I want one.
A little boy with a runny nose, a tilted, beseeching head, an extended hand – and empty eyes
Life can be ugly too.